No longer do you need to walk around your home opening and closing the blinds and curtains …

With the touch of a button or a single voice command, our motorised blinds and curtain tracks can be operated in multiple rooms at the same time.

As well as the ultimate convenience, however, our electric products fulfil important practical, aesthetic and security functions.

Whether you after chainless blinds on bi-folding doors; a child-safe product for the playroom; or the added security of being able open and close your curtains while away on holiday, our motorised products can be tailor to meet a wide range of scenarios and budgets.


What window coverings can be motorised?

Motors can be discreetly fitted inside the headrail of most blinds or behind your curtains stack so there is little discernible difference in their appearance from our non-motorised products.

We only supply and fit the industry’s leading brands – Somfy, Louvolite and Velux. You can be assured, when you buy from us, you are investing in the highest quality products that are backed by a five-year manufacturer’s warranty.

We are able to motorise all of the following:


Hardwired vs Lithium-ion motors

All our motorised blinds, regardless of which power source you choose, are very reliable, quiet and simple to use. The best power option will depend on the blind’s size, your budget and when/where you are having them fitted.

Hardwired motors are so called because they are powered by mains electricity cables. They are particularly effective with larger blinds and/or where multiple blinds are positioned alongside each other. Mains electricity allows for consistency of power leading to smooth operation and blinds that move in perfect symmetry.

Lithium battery motors, on the other hand, are more cost effective than their hardwired counterparts. They can also be installed relatively easily, without need for additional building work or disruption to your current décor, and due to their low energy consumption, they only need charging a couple of times per year.


Making a decision …

If you need large electric blinds, and are in the planning or building stages of your project, a mains powered system might be best.

If you require smaller blinds, in hard to reach positions that you are retrospectively fitting, a lithium battery system might be simpler and more cost effective.

For further detailed advice on the options available, please contact us on 07817 884 572 or by clicking here to fill in your details and one of the team will get back to you.


At a glance

  • Modern and stylish – products activated with one touch or voice control
  • Powerful lithium batteries – only requiring charging a couple of time per year
  • Added security – with timer or smartphone operation someone is always ‘home’
  • Child safe – no chains or cords making them ideal for children’s bedrooms
  • Smart home – phone or voice activation devices like Alexa and Google home
Blinds Motorisation

Book an in-home consult or virtual survey with Richard via our online booking system



Simply book an in-home consult or virtual survey with Richard via our online booking system. Or fill out our contact form to arrange a call.